Friday, September 25, 2020

We are so happy to be back with our EDP children.

Over the past two weeks both Mrs. Richard & Mrs. Marriner's groups have had the opportunity to get used to our new routines.  We are all getting the hang of our "new normal"☺ The children were so happy to see their friends, and it did not take long for them to start exploring and engaging in play.  

W. & B. were showing great skill for turning the skipping rope. It was definitely a coordinated effort.  They even managed to have some friends jump in for a skip!

W. & J. were excited to find new playdough in their individual bins.  We added some loose parts for creative play.  

We were using food colouring and droppers to see how many drops it would take to fill a dot.  W. then decided he would like to use the templates to see if the colour could be contained.  W.  said "Look it is the same colour as my shirt."

"Look, I can use two at the same time"  

B. was looking at a book on sharks and then drew a picture of a shark.  B. said "My shark has a lot of eyes."  B. is showing an interest in sharks and was wondering about how big they were.  We will  expand on this interest in the near future for sure!

Using our "Falcon Wings" to socially distance while still playing together"  We are learning new ways to keep each other safe! 

Group One has started to discuss what our school family jobs will be in EDP this year.  One of our jobs will be to write our snack on the white board. A.L is a great helper🍎🍎🍎 

"Every child in a Conscious Discipline classroom has a job. These jobs provide children an opportunity to build self-worth and responsibility by contributing to the School Family in meaningful ways. The School Family Job Board provides a management system for your class jobs." 

Group Two has decided  they will have a Lego Challenge every week.  This week's challenge was to build a bridge over the water.  Their instructions were "Grab a piece of paper and draw a river, build a Lego bridge over it, and it cannot touch the water"  Great work guys!

 It is so nice to be back with our friends.  A. & R. decided
to play a game this afternoon.   Nothing like a socially distanced game of
"Guess Who"!  They are using their critical thinking skills and discussing how they can continue to play games that they enjoy.

C. really wanted to share his bubbles with Group One.  So he stood near the "Junior Zone Line" and waved the bubble wand, so we could catch them. Thanks for sharing πŸ—«πŸ—ͺπŸ—«

This special girl had a birthday last week.  L. is always willing to share a story and have a chat at snack time.

We are enjoying being outside. The children are getting ready to race.  "Get ready, set and go!!

Our Dot Day Doors, The children had so much fun designing our doors for International Dot Day.  
If you look closely, Mrs. Richard drew her groups faces in the rocket.  What a great collaborative art project.πŸ–Œ

 From the EDP Family Handbook:

The daily program plan is developed by the staff and children and reflects the developmental needs and interests of the children in the group.  The program are guided by How Does Learning Happen?: Ontario's Pedagogy for the Early Years (HDLH). More information on the HDLH can be found at

The HDLH pedagogy are guided by the following principles:

View of the Child

Positive Interactions

Developmentally Responsive

Safe, Inclusive Spaces

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